Perfctiy designed, these printing machines are a new type of functional, economical and practical offset presses for planographic printing and code printing. 制造完美、印刷精美,平版及号码同时印刷、功能全、经济型、实用型合一的高档新型胶印机。
A method of planographic printing from a metal or stone surface. 利用金属或石头表面的平版印刷。
A planographic printing process using plates made from a photographic image. 使用照片图象制成的图版的平版印刷方法。
Planographic printing: Printing from a plate where the images and non-images are on the same plane. For example, lithographic printing, offset and collotype. 平版印刷:印版上的印纹和非印纹在同一个平面上的印刷方法。例如:石印、柯式和珂罗版印刷。
High-etch offset: A combination of relief and planographic printing using a right-reading relief plate on an offset machine. Also known as Dry offset, Letterset. 干柯式:是凸版和平版的结合。它用正读凸版,在柯式机上施印。